Window Cleaning


We offer window cleaning service. Prices are generated by a quotation after having made a visit. No charges for quotation.



Five window cleaning services can make a home or business shine all year long. These are:

1. Clean the window screens
People’s biggest mistake when they clean their windows is that they forget about the screens and only clean the glass. Shine is one of the companies that cleans both the glass and the window screens and tracks.

Cleaning your window screens is important for how well they work. It also stops mould from growing and makes your windows last longer. We recommend getting this service along with other window cleaning, but we also clean window screens and tracks on their own. So, if you want your home or business to be really clean, don’t forget to clean the screens!

2. Clean the windows on the inside
When people clean their windows, they usually focus on the windows on the inside of their homes or businesses. You probably spray them down with window cleaner and wipe them down every now and then, thinking that’s as good as they’ll get. Even though this is fine for a quick wash, it doesn’t clean your windows very well.

Professional window cleaners use better tools and methods than the average home or business owner, so the windows they clean look better and don’t have streaks.

3. Clean the windows on the outside
It’s just as important to clean the outside of your windows as it is to clean the inside. One of the best things about hiring a service to clean your exterior windows is that they can easily get to the hard-to-reach spots that you can’t clean yourself.

Cleaning the windows on the outside of your home can make it look better and get rid of the dirt, dust, and water spots that build up from being exposed to the elements.

4. Getting rid of hard water
Many people clean their own windows, and even though they might look clean, they usually still have hard water spots. Professional window cleaners can get rid of those stains and make your windows look better than ever, without leaving behind any marks or streaks.

Hard water spots happen because minerals, like calcium, are in the water you use to clean them.

5. Clean the glass door
Glass doors are usually cleaned along with windows. After all, they are just big windows, right? Having a professional clean your glass doors gives you the same benefits as having your windows cleaned.

Many people have their glass shower doors cleaned at the same time as their windows. Mold and mildew often grow in these places, so it’s important to have them cleaned well. This is one reason why it’s also important to have them cleaned by a professional.

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